Mission Litter Pickup - Day Nine!



I did not get to picking up litter today as I did not take my dog for a walk!

Yesterday as I went for my walk, I bumped into a gentleman who walks his dog everyday. I asked him if he would carry a bag and glove and pick up litter. He said:

"Absolutely! There's always plenty of rubbish up near the units on Beaudesert rd. I'll do that starting tomorrow"

Then I saw a guy sitting at the bus stop and Nami my dog stopped for a sniff. As I picked up litter near the bus stop, the guy said "Thanks for doing that. I walk past here everyday and rest at this bus stop." So I asked him if he would carry a bag and glove and pick up litter. And he said "Of course, I actually never thought of that"

Word of mouth is the easiest way to spread an idea.

Is there anyone you know you could tell?



Carolyn Vincent